Surg Tech

Goal 3 - $2.5 Million

Access, Opportunity and Programs

STC is committed to developing not only a qualified workforce, but also a welcoming environment to support our students’ health and well-being as we support their learning and career readiness. We strive to be highly innovative in helping all students committed to their education.



Access and Opportunity - $800,000

The Sioux Falls region is dynamic and changing; STC will be responsive to support the shifting demographic and growing population and create platforms to support students moving from rural areas. Important steps have been taken to provide better access for first-generation and under-represented students at STC, but we need to do more. Southeast Tech needs to be a major partner in creating opportunities for everyone to develop skills that will lead to rewarding careers and support the growth of our region.

Our goals in Campaign NEXT:

  • Fund the Office of Access and Workforce Opportunity.
  • Fund a position to work with faculty and students on ELL and digital literacy strategies.
  • Partially fund more part-time tutors and the Academic Resource Center Coordinator.
  • Fully fund the renovation of the Academic Resource Center.

Program Support - $1.7 Million

Competency Based Education - $500,000

Competency Based Education (CBE) is a type of instruction based on predetermined "competencies," which focuses on outcomes and real-world performance. It allows students to advance based on their ability to master a skill and focuses student learning.

CBE is good for growth and the paradigm supports the STC mission.  It’s not a matter of “if” CBE will be a bigger part of higher education nationally and statewide, it’s a matter of “when.”  STC will be a leader for the State of South Dakota on CBE.

Advanced Manufacturing Proof of Concept - $350,000

STC will work with industry to create new curriculum for an Advanced Manufacturing certificate program. The program will include safety and ergonomics, mechanical aptitude, quality control, measurement, blueprint reading, communication in the workplace and basic large machine operation.

Housing Foundation Support - $250,000

An important goal within Priority Area 1 of the Strategic Plan: Partnerships, is to support the Housing Foundation and its continued management of affordable housing for the STC students. State law does not allow STC to directly manage or own campus housing, however, we work with a group of committed persons who partner with STC to provide private on-campus housing options for student.  These facilities require constant maintenance and there is a significant need to expand the current footprint to accommodate a growing “waitlist” of students who desire to live on-campus.

Twelve Month Proof of Concept - $300,000

The Foundation endeavors to financially support a test. The test is to condense a four-semester program into three – Fall, Spring, and Summer.  A student would enter in the Fall and complete in one full year of study.  This requires higher compensation for faculty and adding lab technicians.   The value is testing whether changing certain programs to this three-semester curriculum will perpetuate higher recruitment, retention, industry support and growth.

Academic Support Fund - $200,000

This fund supports the teachers and instructors at STC. This may take the form of augmenting a salary to be competitive in the marketplace, providing a stipend for professional development, assisting with adjunct faculty assistance, etc.

Summer Educational and Dual Enrollment Camps - $60,000

STC offers exceptional summer high school experiences in Construction Management, Horticulture, Engineering and Healthcare. It is vital to continue and expand these opportunities to assist students to learn more about these areas and grow knowledge through hands-on experiences.

Financial Literacy and Other Projects - $40,000

STC would like to provide a seminar on financial literacy through its student success platform. Specifically, the difference between good debt and unmanageable debt, paying off student loans, growing wealth, etc. Funded by the Foundation, we believe it is important for our students’ short-term and long-term financial planning and creates greater equity.

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